Hello friends, Welcome back to my blog. In this article, we may discuss a few things that you should use before going apply in AdSense programme. I recommend you to subscribe on this blog by providing your email in the form below in order to get notification when every new post on this site going live.

Now, let us start.

Being monetized on Adsense is an every publisher dream, Every publisher has a dream of making money through his/her contents. The reason why we can see it after describe what is Adsense. Now let me gives you a short intro about this article.

In this post, we will learn what Adsense about and things to consider before applying on Adsense.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense or Adsense is an ad serving platform owned by Google as it's named "Google Adsense". Business companies can pay and advertise with Adsense but also publisher can monetize with it.

A lot of companies in the world chooses and use Adsense in their purpose of promoting their brands and business. It's not only companies, Also publishers use Adsense on monetizing their sites/content.

Google is powerful and that's why people choose it. Now I hope you got the answer of (why?) right?

Things to consider before applying on Adsense

The following is one of the most important things to consider while you are on plan of applying on Adsense programme as a publisher. This is very important especially if you are on blogger site.

Custom Domain 

Number one thing on my list is custom domain, Before sign up on Adsense as a publisher make sure your site is on top-level domain. Example of top-level domain are (mysite.com, mysite.org, my site.uk, my site.site) e.t.c. Remember Adsense doesn't allow site with subdomain like (mysite.blogspot.com) even if there's other site with subdomain that serve Adsense ads. NOTE: site or blog with subdomain has few chances of getting approval with Adsense. Learn on how to buy domain for $0.99 only.


The second thing on my list is language. Language that used on-site that planned to participate on Adsense should be friendly and acceptable on Adsense language support. There's some languages that doesn't mentioned on Adsense language support and if you use it you can lose chance of getting approved on Adsense programme. Click here to see languages that accepted in programme.


Third, on my list is content. The content that provided on-site/blog that need to participate in Adsense program needs to provide legal and acceptable content, the publisher should not violate the policy. Some of unacceptable content is cracking, hacking, pornographies and content that not make right to others.


You should avoid copyright claim on your site/blog. Any kind of content (images, text and videos) that refers to not yours can claimed as copyright so Adsense ads cant shown on it. Create original content if you want to get approved on Adsense.

Create pages like About us and Privacy Policy

Whoa! One of the important things is "About us" and Privacy policy" pages. It's very important because within that page you are going to introduce yourself as well as your site about, Also in privacy policy, you will add google cookies information (required) for more info click here.

Responsive template/theme

Site that need to participate should have a cool and responsive theme that can be easier for visitors to read and use it well, site with poor theme can cause loss of visitors also Adsense cant have place to place their ads.

And that is it, To get Adsense approved just follow the instructions provided in the post and use it into your site then apply for Adsense, For bless of AlmightGod you will get approved. 

Let me end up here, remember to subscribe for more useful articles like this and if you have any question so far please leave a comment, Thank you.