15 Days For HESLB Loan Application Correction.

15 Days For HESLB Loan Application Correction.

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The objective of the Board is to assist, on a loan basis, needy students who secure admission in accredited higher learning institutions, but who have no economic power to pay for the costs of their education.

The Board is also entrusted with the task of collecting due loans from previous loan beneficiaries in order to have a revolving fund in place so as to make the Board sustainable.

15 Days For HESLB Loan Application Correction

The Higher Education Students Lona Board has officially closed the loan application process for university education students for the year 2021/2022 with some 12,250 out of 91,445 loan applicants failing to submit the necessary documents have to complete the loan process.

In addition, the board has given 15 days to students who have mistaken to correct their applications to be processed for loans.

Majina Ya Waliokosea Kuomba Mkopo 2021/22 HESLB

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