Millennium development goal are eight goals that 191 UN members states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The millennium development goal was signed by united nations in September 200, but the main aim was to combat poverty, illiteracy, discrimination ageist women, , to reduce child mortality rate, promote maternal healthy,HIV/AIDS, environment sustainability and to encourage global relationship. The millennium development goal was originated in Pakistan and was signed by the member of UN September 2000.
The following is the reasons why millennium development goal (MDGs) was failure.
·         Insufficient knowledge about health care.
·         Lack of policy markers oversight.
·         Lack of education and awareness among citizen particularly among women
·         Limited research
·         Weak governance and mismanagement remain the key concerns at all levels
·         Lack of transparent performance and assessment system
The year 2015 marked the completion of the monitoring period for the MGDS which now replaced by the sustainable development Goal (SDGs). In February 2015 the Government of Pakistan adopted the SDGs through a unanimous parliamentary resolution.
Sustainable development goal (SDGS); the sustainable development goal also is called GLOBAL Goals were adopted by all united nations member states in 2015, and the target is to put action so that to end the poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.sustainable development goals it involve 17 goals integrate each other’s so that to balance the development in all aspect that is social, economic and environmental sustainability

Current situation of sustainable development goals
According to the sustainable development goal report 2019 provides evidence that there is   percentage development in all 17 sustainable goals, for example extreme poverty has declined considerably, the under 5 mortality rate fell by 49% between 2000 and 2017, immunization have saved millions of lives, there is increase of accessibility of electricity in rural are, there is decrease of illegal fishing, now days many countries support different policies and sustainable development in all aspect that is political, social economic and environment.
matching of SGDs and MDGs.
·         Both SDGs and MDGs promote equal opportunity for women and enabling them to participate fully in economic and other aspect of life, a condition for meeting all the MDGs the decent work agenda promote equal opportunity for women to access employment training and social protection hence enabling them to take fully part in all aspect of life.
·         Both also promote employment creation, rights at work, social protection and social dialogue.
·         Last both SDGs and MDGs promotes a decent of living for the worker and family, secure and healthy, working conditions, equal opportunity to be promoted and reasonable limitations on work house
at least 10 global projects that reflect MDGs and SDGS (five per each)
 At least 5 Global SDGs project
Ø  Sustainable energy project for all forum (SE for all forum)
This project introduced in Kigali, Rwanda from 6-8 may .2020, the project was focus to provide global platform to mobilize resources and improve sustainable energy revolution for everyone.
Ø  Launch of global investors project for sustainable development alliance (GISD)
These project started on 16 October 2029 and the main goal of these project is to stimulate economic and investment stakeholders partnership and to stimulate the global partnership to the worldwide. So that to stimulate other sectors and to improve economic sector especially in third world countries.
Ø  The project of dialogue on the least developed countries fund (LDCF)
This project was introduced on 24 September 2019 in New York City. the main aims is to make investing in climate change adaptation action in the least developed countries (LDCF) which are most vulnerable to impact of climate change.

Ø  Sustainable development goal photography award project
It was introduced by national committed on sustainable development.  The main goal is to create global awareness around the world about SDGs and to inspire changes toward the sustainable development goal in all pillars of SDGs that is Economic, social and environmental.

Ø  Launch of the global opportunities project for SDGs
This project was introduced in 24 September 2019 in New York City,
At least 5 global projects reflects MDGs and their targets
Ø  New valley project (Egypt)
The target of this project is to develop agriculture production and to create new opportunity to the young and to reduce the poverty.
Ø  Metro bus purchase project-(South Africa)
The main target of this project in South Africa is to facilitate transportation of goods and services from one area to another Ares, which can help to create employment and to facilitate development in economic sectors and other sectors.
Ø  Big data and global heath project
The main focus of these project is to improve health services to the societies and it contribute to improve healthy sectors to the countries

 least 10 Tanzania projects (5 per each).
At least 5 MDGs in Tanzania
Ø  Tanzania experience with the millennium village project (mvp)
The target of these project is to initiate partnership to design and to identify solution to the challenges integrated rural development, also it encourage local leadership and community participation in different activities so that to improve both sectors in rural area.
Ø  Education and training project in 1995 for the mainland
The general goal is to prepare environment for study, and to encourage the government to improve the primary and secondary school, which can help to increase the performance of students.

Ø  Telephone line and tale- density project (number of line per capital 200-2008)
The aim of the project is to improve the communication technology and voice telecommunication penetration (tale-density) which can help to improve communications to the societies and exchange of information from one Area to other areas.
At least 5 SDGs in Tanzania
Ø  Zanzibar strategy project for growth and reduction of poverty in 2016
the main target is to reduce extreme poverty and hunger to the societies, because its possible to reduce the extreme poverty and is not esay to remove poverty due to the disparity of income to the societies, so the these project provide good strategies on how the people themselves can mobilize the resources so that to reduce extreme poverty.
Ø  Climate and hydrological monitoring capabilities project.
These is among of the SDGs in Tanzania which initiated to provide education on how to prevent environment pollution, and to monitor all activities that destroy the climate environment, and to encourage farmers and other stakeholders to sustain environment for today and future generation.

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) and millennium development goal( MDGs) have similar in some cases like both  provide equal opportunity, employment and working conditions in all aspect of life but are defer in some cases example MDGs focused with only8 goals,21 targets and 63 indicators while SDGs include 17 goals with 169 targets.

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