Malware is a broad term and most people do not use it. Malware collects meaners of viruses, trojan, spyware and worm. Most people are accustomed to using the word virus. You will hear someone say that his phone has a virus. viruses are a very small part of malware.

Viruses often do not destroy files on your device but do affect your device's performance. Viruses can reproduce itself within your device. Worms can move from one file to another. There is a big difference between a virus, a worm and a trojan.alware is a program or software or code that is installed on your device such as a phone or computer, and connects the device to your people's networks or corrupts the information (data) on your device. Malware can infiltrate your device through:
1. USB cable
3. When you are online to download files, open mail (email)
4.BluetoothShare files and other ways.

Malware is removed from your device using malware removal programs known as antivirus. There are many programs (software) that can do this job of removing malware including viruses. Such programs include avast, kerspersky, avag, window defender and many more. Also for mobile users google playstore does the same job for free by scanning all the apps you have installed.

Ways to protect yourself from malware

1. Install antivirus on your device.
2. Make sure you are scanning your device regularly.
3. Be careful when you are taking files using bluetooth or other means. It is best to scan these files
4. Be careful and download something you do not know, or open files or emails you do not know.
5. Be careful with the ads you want to click on either to get a gift or a bonus.
Scan all the files that you have to download.

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