1. Papaya
Papaya is a very sweet fruit and contain enzyme that can make digestive system works better. People in the tropics consider papaya to be a remedy for constipation.
2. Yogurt
This is because yogurt is known to be top in the list of food with probiotics. Probiotic foods are good in human digestion, probiotics food simply make digestive system works better and faster .
3. Whole grains
Whole grains they work extremely well while dealing with constipation. They clear bowel blockages and reduce intestinal issues.
4. Prunes
They are widely used as a natural remedy for constipation. They contain high amount of insoluble fibres , which increases amount of water in the stool.
5. Pears
Pears are particularly fruits with high fructose and sorbitol compared with other. Pears know to stimulate bowel movement and bringing water into the intestines.