How To Fix Password In Selform System 2021
How To Fix Password In Selform System 2021Selform System 2021 TAMISEMI is the system designed for four leavers to change their choices for Joining either form Five or Colleges in Tanzania.
But it’s seems some of form four leavers fail to feel their information in the system hare are important step by step gow feel selform TAMISEMI 2021/2022
How To Register In The System
- Registration
- Login
Selform Registration
Here Students should use his or her form four index number to register in the system. Index number should written in the right format provided by TAMISEMI eg. S2180.0028.2020 and not otherwise because System will ignore it.
After writing your index number you will register by answering three questions
- Grade of subject?
- Last Names?
- Year of birth ?
Then after fill correct information you will be directed in next page of writing password that you will use to login. NOTE: keep your password

Selform Login
This is the next page where student should login by using tow things
- That’s Form Four Index Number eg. S2180.0028.2020
- In password write your password created during registration
Therefore you will access the selform System to change your choices
Fixed Password In Selform System 2021 TAMISEMI
Incase you don’t get write your password and system need you a password to login use the following details to login
- USERNAME: use your form four index number (eg:S2180.0028.2020)
- PASSWORD: use your form four index number as password (eg: S2180.0028.2020)
NOTE: This might be working for those who did not write password in the System while their register for the first time. And not who write and forget.
For more you can contact with TAMISEMI through this email helpdesk@tamisemi.go.tz
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