HESLB Loan Application Starting Date 2021/2022

HESLB Loan Application Starting Date 2021/2022

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HESLB Loan Application Starting Date

The Higher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB), has announced that the loan application window for higher education students for the year 2021/2022 is expected to open in First July this year (1st July, 2021)

Publication of Successful Loan Applicants A list of successful loan applicants with their corresponding allocations shall be published on the website: www.heslb.go.tz


  1. Well for helping us ,but I have a comment how about those students who are in the colleges not university and they wish to be granted the loans to boost their studies? Is there any possibility of being considered in such important issue for better performance of students ,I'm requesting that because i'm among of students who are at the college level at TPSC-SINGIDA, we need your hands please so that we can reach our dreams,
    Hope that my request will meet positive response::

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