Opportunity Oil Pipeline for Tanzanians-UPDATES

Tanzania and Uganda have signed a final agreement to start construction of an oil pipeline from Hoima in Uganda to Chongoleani port in Tanga in Tanzania.

It is a great honor for our country of Tanzania to have this opportunity for the pipeline to pass through Tanzania which will pass through 8 regions, 24 Districts and 184 villages.

There are so many benefits as a Nation we will reap from the existence of this oil pipeline 

During construction most Tanzanians will have access to employment opportunities where a total of 40,000 jobs will be created. Vocational jobs, defense, catering, transportation, accommodation opportunities, and financial services.

All information on this project is posted here so visit this website frequently 

Opportunities are advertised and will continue to be advertised, more information you can visit the official website click here

Zabuni ya wana IT kutengeneza tovuti ya mradi Click here

2: Jobs advertised until March 2021

Jobs advertised so far click here

3: Tenders announced until March 2021

Various tenders already announced now Click here == >> TENDER OIL PIPE