HESLB Will Talk On Loan Applications 2021 Tomorrow

HESLB Will Talk On Loan Applications 2021 Tomorrow


HESLB Loan Applications 2021. The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) in collaboration with RITA tomorrow 1st, September 2021 will talking to journalist about the situation of loan application for the academic year of 2021/2021 from 11:00 at HESLB headquarter at TAZARA.

HESLB Will Talk On Loan Applications 2021 Tomorrow

In there social media account HESLB has posted as follows:-

Do you need to get feedback on loan applications that started July 9 so far? Tomorrow at 5 am the CEO, Abdul-Razaq Badru and our RITA and TPC (EMS) stakeholders will speak. You can view also in attached image below

HESLB Will Talk On Loan Applications 2021 Tomorrow

For more information about HESLB Visit Here  or their official website www.heslb.go.tz

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