Majina Ya Waliokosea Kuomba Mkopo 2021/22 is simply the names of Heslb applicants Who needs to correct their vital information on heslb Online Loan Application and Management System. The lists of heslb applicants with missing Vital information are usually released by HESLB after the conduct of screening exercise on the Online Loan Application and Management System
For those who wanted to fix thier information, they should log in to their opened accounts during apply for a loan and they will get a message about the areas for fixing. We urge them to use this five-day period to process and complete their application to enable us to proceed to the next step so that the qualified people can finally be able to fulfill their dreams.
Majina Ya Waliokosea Kuomba Mkopo 2021/22 HESLB
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board List of applicants with mistakes will be uploaded online, to check your Heslb loan status click here