Selected applicants | University selection 2021/2022 – Undergraduate selections for Tanzania Universities 2021/2022 –

Selected applicants | University selection 2021/2022 – Undergraduate selections for Tanzania Universities 2021/2022 –

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Undergraduate selected applicants/ candidates (In Swahili translated as ~ Majina ya waliochaguliwa vyuo vikuu 2021/ Selection za vyuo 2021) are the list students/applicants who have been selected to study bachelor degree programs (first degree) to various colleges or universities in Tanzania.

The release of Undergraduate selections is the most anticipated moment by many students in the country, as TCU is about to officially declare the undergraduate selections. The good news is that once selection results are out, we will make sure that they are available on this website as soon as possible.

Additionally, candidates must understand that when the selection process is finalized, the list of undergraduate selected applicants will also be revealed on the institution website to which the applicant has applied for, every candidate is advised to regularly visit the institution website for more updates and news about selection results.

Here we have the full guide on how to check the list of selected applicants for the 2021/2022 academic year from all universities and colleges in Tanzania.

Where can you find undergraduate selection results 2021 (post za vyuo 2021)

Are you wondering where you can find the list of selected students to join various Universities and colleges in Tanzania for the 2021/2022 academic year? The list of Undergraduate selected applicants is usually published on the institution’s websites after completing the selection process. You can easily check the full list of selected applicants by just visiting the Institution website or the online application systems to check your application status.

Here are the recommended and simple ways to access the list of students selected to join various undergraduate programs for 2021/2022 academic year

How to check undergraduate selection results Online 2021

There are so many ways to check the list of students selected to join undergraduate degree programs for the 2021/2022 academic year. In this post we are going to show you how to check the selection results via the three ways. Those ways include; via institution website, Online application system and TCU website.

How to check undergraduate selection results Via college official website

As explained before, one of the best and simple ways to check the list of selected applicants online is by just visiting the official college website.

On the institution/college website you will find all the news related to the list of selected applicants, Once you are on the institution website just go to the announcements/ latest news and updates section and check for the updates related to Selected applicants (Majina ya wanafunzi waliochaguliwa kujiunga na chuo  – in swahili language), from there you will find the link to download the pdf document which contain the list of selected applicants.

You can start from here by clicking this link and it will direct you to the list of all universities websites in Tanzania.

How to check undergraduate selection results Via College online application system

Since all the applications are sent directly through the institution’s online application system, once the institution completes the selection process, the applicant’s status will be automatically updated on the system and the applicant will be notified via the online application. A candidate will be required to login back to his/her online application account to track his/her application status. For more details  about all universities and colleges online application systems and how to access them just check here.

How to check undergraduate selection results Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) website.

Formerly, The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) were used to conduct all the University Admission Procedures by using the common online application system managed and coordinated by TCU.

Due to some challenges, TCU decided to let the online application procedure be conducted and managed by the institutions themselves. Therefore, the role of TCU in coordinating the application procedure into Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is by approving the list of students submitted by institutions and Publishing the full list approved applicants and applicants with multiple admissions on its website.

Once the undergraduate selections are out and available online you will be able to access them by just visiting the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) official website for official news and to check your selection results. This is the easiest way to discover if you have single or multiple selection.

How to check undergraduate selection results VIA Direct links

Selection za vyuo team has been gathering all the information related to undergraduate selection, and here we have come out with the list of selection results from all universities and colleges in Tanzania. To check and download the full list selected applicants just click the university link below.

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