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TCU Transfer Window 2021/2022. As provided in Sections (12) (2) (a) (b) (c) of the Universities Act Cap. 346 of the laws of Tanzania read together with regulation 31 (2) (3) (4), the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is mandated to coordinate admissions to Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania. According to Section 5(1) (f) the Universities Act Cap.346 grants TCU the mandate to establish transfer procedures for students wishing to transfer from one university to another and from one programme to another.
What are the TCU Transfer Requirements
In view of its obligation, TCU issued procedures for handling first year and continuing students transfers which were in operation since 2016/17 academic year. View Here
TCU Transfer Window 2021/2022 Opening Date
Beginning of 2021/22 Academic year then 25th October 2021, Students Transfer window for new and credit transfers will be opened from 1st– 14th November 2021 and deadline for Submission of transfers by University will be 30th Nov. 2021. Feedback on approved transfers by TCU will be 16th December 2021. For summary information Download TCU Admission Almanac Here or view image below:-
For the more information TCU Transfer Window visit official TCU website