The University of Dar es Salaam is pleased to announce 62 merit based scholarships, 52 for undergraduate and 10 for postgraduate students (at the Master’s Level) for the 2021/2022 academic year. Successful candidates will register for studies at the University of Dar es Salaam and her constituent’s colleges (the Dar es Salaam University College of Education [DUCE] and Mkwawa University College of Education [MUCE]).
The applicant:
-Must be Tanzanian,
-Must have outstanding/excellent performance at the Ordinary (‘O’) Level of Secondary Education and with at least 12 points in THREE subjects at the Advanced (‘A’) level of Secondary Education or equivalent (Note: A = 5; B = 4; C = 3; D = 2; E =1; S = 0.5 and F = 0 point),
-Must be admitted to the University of Dar es Salaam,
-Must not be older than 25 years at the time of application,
-Candidates applying for the UDSM Merit scholarships are encouraged to simultaneously apply for bursaries through the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB). However, scholarship awardees will be required to relinquish the HESLB support, and the scholarship award is tenable for one academic year and renewable for successive academic years on condition the recipient maintains a minimum GPA of 3.8.
Required Application Documents
-Copies of Secondary education certificates for both the ‘O’ and‘A’ levels (pdf), copy of birth certificate or National ID (pdf).
Scope of Scholarship:
The scholarship will cover tuition fee, meals and accommodation. All the Merit Scholarship awardees are guaranteed accommodation at the UDSM’s hostels throughout their Scholarship period. Special requirements and final year projects will also be supported as specified in their respective programmes.
How to apply UDSM Merit scholarship 2021/2022
Applicants must submit applications online at udsm.ac.tz
Applications for the UDSM Merit Scholarship 2021/2022 will be open from 13th September 2021 to 5th October 2021.
For more information, download this pdf to know about the scholarship and how to apply here : DOWNLOAD PDF