Many opinions vary on how much protein a person need per-day, this may be the question you’re asking yourself if you want to lose or maintain weight, or maybe you’re on diet.

Here we will look on factors based on important role of protein in building muscle lose weight or maintain

Let’s look on What are proteins

Protein Are complex organic nitrogenous compounds made up of smaller units called Amino Acids, there are 24 amino acids needed for the body, out of which 9 are essential Amino Acids:

They are the building block of your body; Protein makes up about 15 percent of a person’s body weight

Why is protein important?

Protein makes amino acid which repair muscle and bones,

Protein makes enzyme and hormones

Serves as the source of energy

Also protein help to strengthen the immune system

Recently study says that protein help in feeling of satiety

How much protein you need in a day?

The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day—that's about 64 grams for a 160-pound adult.

 In the U.S., adults get an average of 15 percent of their calories from protein; for a person who requires a 2,000-calorie-per-day-diet, that's about 75 grams of protein.

 In healthy people, increasing protein intake to 20 to 25 percent of calories can reduce the risk of heart disease, if the extra protein replaces refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, or sugary drinks.

Protein in losing weight

Eating protein help in weight loss diet as you already know that you need to consume few calories

a protein intake of around 30% of calories may benefit you for weight loss

Higher protein diets can also be beneficial for weight loss, in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet, although long-term evidence of their effectiveness is wanting

Protein in body building

Are you physically active? Then you need more protein than sedentary one,

Protein is fundamental in building muscle

Protein helps you maintain your muscle mass and promotes muscle growth when you do strength training

 Bodybuilder need Dietary protein intake is recommended to be 1.6–2.2 g/kg/day with a focus on sufficient protein at each meal