Testicles also called testes are two oval shaped organ that are contained in a sac called scrotum which hangs outside the body that are part of male reproductive system

 testes are important for production of hormone called testosterone which is important for development male reproductive system and secondary growth characteristic such as increased muscle and bones, body hair, and strength also plays important role in regulation of libido (sexual desire) also testes are responsible for production and storage of sperms

Testes can be subjected to injury, disease or any other condition as any part of the body, there for keeping testes safe is not avoidable

As you have become aware of how important is the testicles then let’s look on several men’s behavior or life style that put your testicles in a great danger,

Exposure to excessive heat

As you may wonder that if they are so important why are they hang outside of the body and not inside so they can be protected? Testes hangs in scrotum outside the body which is 4°c temperature less that other part of the body, it has its own mechanism of controlling temperature such as when is cold the push inside and when its hot they hang outside

But exposing them in heat such as prolonged hot tub bath, putting laptop, sauna, motorcycling, being around in hot stove can largely affect your testicles


There are proven studies that there is close link between smoking and testicular cancer, as it has been known that cigarette smoking has been associated with many cancers.

Smoking can lead to decreased blood flow to the testicle and lead to erectile dysfunction

In addition, studies show that smoking has an adverse effect on sperm count and sperm mobility which can lead to infertility

Not getting time for self-examination

When was the last time did you examine your testicles? Do you know that testicular cancer is common to men age 20 – 45? The early detection the better

How to do self-examination

You can sit in the warm bath so that the scrotum is relaxed

Palpate A lump or nodules in either testicle

Palpate to feel Swelling or gathering of fluid in the scrotum

Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum

Feel Pain in the groin

Wearing of tight clothes

Wearing of tight clothes can prevent the spermatic cord from moving freely and cause testicular torsion, also can cause pressure to the testicles, pushing them to the body or cause sores.

Wear loose and comfortable clothes that’s allow them to hang freely and keep the temperature low and prevent