BREAKING NEWS, Ajira Za Walimu 6,949, 2021 TAMISEMI (6,949 POSTS)

BREAKING NEWS, Ajira Za Walimu 6,949, 2021 TAMISEMI (6,949 POSTS)

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Employment permit of 2,726 various Health Cadre Staff for Council Hospitals, Health Centers and Dispensaries with 6,949 Teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools who will work under the Authority of Local Governments in the country. For this reason, graduates from Colleges of Higher Education, Colleges of Government-recognized Teachers and Health Colleges are announced to submit their job vacancy application from 09 - 23 May, 2021. Vacancies available for Diploma (Certificate), Diploma and Degree.


Allualified teachers should apply online employment in the following order: -

i.All qualified teachers who did not apply for teaching jobs (date 07.09.2021) send their application online via the link ;
ii. Teachers who applied for jobs online following the Job Announcement on September 07, 2020, they are directed to log into their accounts they used when sending applications to
iii. This announcement is for graduates of Teacher Training Courses from 2012 to 2019.

MORE Listen the Video Below

Read also>>TAMISEMI:Sample of Cover letter for Teaching Employment Posts| How to Register to The Online Teachers Application System OTEAS |

How to Apply Ajira Za walimu 2021

EP 1: Register to The Online Teachers Application System OTEAS TAMISEMICeate Account

STEP 2: How to Register to The Online Teachers Application System (OTEAS TAMISEMI)

  • Fill in the information like your names, mobile numbers, emails
  • After filling in your particulars above, you will be successfully created the account after clicking REGISTER. Then log in to continue to the next step

STEP 3: Filling Of Particular Information 
Fill the information LIKE

line Teachers Application System Job Finder Apply Tanzania
  • Personal information
  • Secondary education
  • Academic qualifications
  • Attachments in pdf
  • After filling the information click SAVE

STEP 4: Online Teachers Application System 

  • Last Step >. click on apply for post
  • Proceed other steps as you will be directed



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