TCU Guide Book Form Six 2021/2022

TCU Guide Book Form Six 2021/2022


TCU Guide Book Form Six 2021/2022. The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) through its mandate as spelt out in Section (12)  (2) (a) (b) (c) of the Universities Act Cap 346 of the laws of Tanzania, read together with Regulation 31 (2) (3) (4), coordinates the admission of students into Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania.

As it was in the previous academic years, in the current Admission Cycle applications will be submitted and handled by respective institutions.
Thus, all applicants are required to send applications directly to individual institutions. HEIs will directly receive and process applications, select and admit students into their institutions through their Senates/Boards.U Guide Book Diploma 2021/2022

Thereafter, HEIs will announce the admitted students prior to the submission to TCU for validation.

To facilitate the admission process, TCU has prepared the Undergraduate Admission Guidebook for 2021/2022 Academic Year as a tool to guide TCU, HEIs and the Applicants on admission procedure aswell as to control quality of students admitted intoHEIs.

The book entails information on undergraduate programmes approved to admit students in 2021/2022 admission cycle. In each HEI, minimum entry requirements, institutional admission capacities, and duration of each programme are indicated.

An applicant is strongly advised to carefully read and understand the guidelines and programme admission requirements before lodging his/her application to the respective institutions. TCU Guide Book Form Six CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF FILE FORM SIX TCU GUIDEBOOK 2021/2022

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