mesothelioma attorney california

mesothelioma attorney california


mesothelioma attorney california

Mesothelioma, Asbestos Lung Cancer and Asbestosis

There is no maximum latency or time when the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease disappears. There is no “safe” level of exposure to asbestos; even minimal levels can cause asbestos-related diseases.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that is linked to exposure to asbestos. Learn about the three most common types of mesothelioma, how they develop, and what you can do about it.

Does asbestos exposure increase risks for lung cancer?

Asbestos is directly linked with lung cancer. Smokers exposed to asbestos are at even greater risk for developing asbestos-related lung cancer because of the synergy between asbestos and tobacco. Learn more about asbestos lung cancer.

What is asbestosis and is it fatal?

Asbestosis is a scarring of the lung tissue. Asbestosis is caused by asbestos exposure and can be treated but not cured absent a total lung replacement. Learn more about asbestosis and available treatments.

How An Asbestos Attorney Can Help

Choosing the right asbestos attorney can help you recover necessary damages from those responsible for your asbestos-related disease. With over 35 years of experience, Brayton Purcell LLP represents asbestos victims from all 50 states including:

New York
For more information or to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer, please contact Brayton Purcell LLP today.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers

The Asbestos Legal Center attorneys have over 20 years of combined experience aggressively yet compassionately representing individuals and families affected by asbestos. Our California asbestos lawyers invite you to use this website as a resource for all asbestos-related questions. Whether you have served in the military or have a loved one who has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease, it is our goal to provide you with the resources and knowledge required to make an informed decision about your medical future.

Asbestos is a mineral with fine fibers shaped like needles that are so tiny that people usually cannot see them. If asbestos materials are ripped or otherwise damaged, these fine needle-like fibers are sent into the air and may be inhaled. The fibers can lodge in the lungs and cause serious and even fatal injuries. Often, asbestos-related diseases do not show up for 15-40 years after exposure, which can make it difficult for victims to pursue claims. There are special rules that apply to asbestos lawsuits in California. It is important to retain an attorney who understands these rules.


Mesothelioma is a serious disease, for which the primary risk factor is asbestos exposure. The disease affects the mesothelium, which is a thin tissue lining that protects many organs. There are three common kinds of mesothelioma: peritoneal mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma, and pericardial mesothelioma. Asbestos manufacturers were aware many years ago that they were producing a product that could have deadly consequences for those who had contact with it through work or in other contexts.

Lung Cancer
Certain occupations are associated with the development of lung cancer from asbestos, including construction, shipyards, oil fields, oil refineries, steel mills, rubber plants, auto manufacturing, roofing, flooring, and tilework. When asbestos fibers are embedded in the lungs, they may irritate the lungs and trigger lung cancer. Lung cancer symptoms include nausea, shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss, fatigue, chronic coughing, swollen lymph nodes, and loss of endurance. Often, patients do not show signs of cancer until it has progressed to later stages. 

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