mesothelioma attorney houston
How an Houston Mesothelioma Attorney Can Help You
A Mesothelioma diagnosis can be devastating. Exposure to asbestos can cause a variety of cancers, but Mesothelioma is arguably the most insidious. Our Houston Asbestos Lawyers have handled numerous cases where this toxic substance has forever altered someone’s life, but Mesothelioma is especially troublesome because even low levels of exposure can cause the disease.
If you or someone you love was diagnosed with Mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos at work or at home, we can help. If your concerned about exposure to asbestos, your Houston Mesothelioma Lawyer will first recommend that you contact your primary physician for an x-ray referral.
Houston Asbestos Attorney
What is Asbestos, and Who Can Be Affected By It?
Asbestos is a mineral used in a variety of construction materials used in Houston, and has many other uses because of its fire-retardant and insulating properties. The danger lies in the microscopic fibers that can be inhaled, which damage the lungs and causes cancers, including Mesothelioma.
These fibers can also attach themselves to clothing, which means you can be at risk for Mesothelioma even if you are not working directly with asbestos. If you are exposed to asbestos in your Houston home or on the job, you may not develop Mesothelioma for many years. This underscores why it’s so important to speak with an Houston Mesothelioma Attorney immediately if you’ve been diagnosed with this terrible disease.
Contact Our Houston Mesothelioma Lawyers Today
At Ketterman Rowland & Westlund, we take a compassionate approach to difficult Mesothelioma cases. Your Houston Mesothelioma Attorney has the experience needed to seek financial compensation if you or someone you love developed Mesothelioma because of exposure to asbestos. Contact us today for a free Mesothelioma consultation in Houston.
About Houston TX
From the moment it was established, Houston, TX was an entrepreneurial place. Two brothers from New York State, one a pragmatist and booker named Augustus Allen and his brother, a dreamer and a shopkeeper named John Allen joined numerous Americans that bought some inexpensive scrip authorized by Mexico and offered by the Galveston Land Company. This scrip authorized the Mexican state of Coahuila, which was wide open. The Allen brothers traveled to a community on the border between American Louisiana and Mexican Texas, where fermenting was the talk of revolution against Mexico.
. Texas Mesothelioma Trial Lawyers
The asbestos cancer attorneys of Fleming Law, P.C., are dedicated to helping those who suffer from mesothelioma and their loved ones seek compensation. We believe that the more you know about the causes and remedies for your disease, the more likely you will be to take action.
If You May Be At Risk, Contact The Houston Mesothelioma Lawyers Today
Although mesothelioma and related lung cancer, asbestosis, or heart disease may not become evident for decades, you may be at risk for developing these devastating medical conditions if you have been exposed to asbestos. This is one reason why at least 20 countries have banned the sale and import of asbestos.
If you worked in an asbestos-rich environment or used asbestos materials, you should contact a mesothelioma physician to arrange for diagnosis and treatment options.
To explore the possibility of compensation for your exposure to asbestos and your resulting physical suffering, contact the Houston personal injury lawyers at Fleming Law, P.C. We will be happy to meet with you in your home, evaluate your case and advise you of your legal options.
Industries Creating Products Containing Asbestos
In July of 1989, the United States banned all new uses of asbestos, because exposure to this fibrous material is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a form of cancer in the internal linings of organs in the human abdominal cavity.
However, most of the industries using asbestos prior to 1989 are still allowed to use it, under strict government regulation. The industries that continue to expose workers to asbestos include: